What is ENP?
ENP = Expanded Neighborhood Patrol
Expanded Neighborhood Patrol (ENP) is a program created by the City of Dallas that allows neighborhoods to employ off-duty police officers to supplement standard patrol hours. These regular Dallas Police Department (DPD) officers are armed, trained to make arrests, issue citations etc. and they will patrol in a DPD official police car. The police cars are equipped with computers, allowing the officers to check for outstanding warrants, stolen cars, and other violations instantaneously.
The number of patrol hours depends completely on the number of paid members, so the more member participation the more police presence. For that reason we are urging each and every one of you to consider joining this program.
Checks, PayPal Accepted
ENP membership cost is $125 per household per YEAR. Payment options include:
Checks made out to WRVNA and returned with the enclosed membership form
- On-line through PayPal at wrvna.com (click join from our home page)
- On-line through Credit Card at wrvna.com (click “checkout” from the PayPal site)
Regardless of when you join in the year, the total will be $125 per YEAR. We feel this is a very reasonable fee, especially when you consider the peace of mind it will bring to all of you who have to leave your home during the day or if you are retired, you will feel safer at home. Once you join, the annual fee will not be refunded should you wish to discontinue service, move, etc.
Budget and Patrolable Hours
Historically, WRVNA budgets $30,000 for ENP per year. We pay $35 per hour to off-duty police officers in this program. That calculation ($30,000 / $35 = 857), gives us 857 patrolable hours per year. To drive this down further, 857 / 52 weeks = 16.4 hours are patrolled per week.
Once we know how many hours we can buy (based on the number of paying members) we will discuss this with the DPD and review the crime statistics for our area (when crimes occur, types of crimes, times of days, etc.) From that assessment we will develop a staggered schedule to allow the ENP officer to patrol at the best times for all of us. Staggering hours prevents the criminals from knowing when the patrol will be on duty.
WRV Neighborhood Association has participated in ENP for over 20 years!
Member Benefits:
Paying members receive a number of benefits not available to non-paying members. The most common concern voiced by residents is they do not want to pay for something their neighbor is receiving free. But there really are perks. And while it may keep your neighbor safe, the best part is it keeps you even safer. Some of the benefits you will receive only as a paid member:
For Paid Members of ENP:
- Eligible for extra surveillance of your home when you’re away on vacation or business trips.
- A yard sign will be provided, indicating you are a member of ENP
- ENP officers are available for a security review of your property and give you tips on how to make your property safer.
- The convenience of having one of our ENP officers make a police report for you.
- ENP officers will tailor the program to fit the needs of the neighborhood members.
Other Services offered to the neighborhood:
- Teen curfews can be enforced as applicable.
- Professional criminals and vandalism/malicious mischief will be deterred by police presence.
- More surveillance at White Rock Elementary School.
- Reckless/speeding drivers will be better monitored.
- Illegal door-to-door solicitation/handbills will be reduced.
- A data terminal onboard will allow ENP officers to check instantly for stolen vehicles or outstanding warrants.
Frequently Asked Questions
How will I personally benefit from ENP?
When you are on vacation, the officer will check your home on each patrol. Also, when the officer is on duty, response time will be reduced when you call 911.
What do the annual fees pay for?
Use of the patrol car, associated equipment and patrol officer wages. Organization and administration will be completed by WRVNA volunteers with no compensation.
Can I pay by the month or the quarter?
Not at this time. Annual fees will allow us to minimize the administrative work by our volunteers.
Can I pay by credit card?
You can use your credit card only by using PayPal. Just go to our website www.wrvna.org and click the link to join.
If I join later in the year, will I have to pay the full $125?
Yes. We must keep this process very simple since we are relying on volunteers.
Do I need to join our WRV Neighborhood Association to participate?
No, you do not. However, we encourage our residents to participate in both when financially able. WRV Neighborhood Association is sponsoring this program, but it will be administered separately from the neighborhood association.
Who can I contact for more information?
You may contact ENP Committee Member, Ken Coutant at kcoutant@hmcco.com or our President, Mark Holmes at president@wrvna.com