
It’s time to join the White Rock Valley Neighborhood Association!

Your participation in the White Rock Valley Neighborhood Association directly contributes back to the betterment of the quality of life you enjoy while living in the WRV neighborhood. Whether it’s through the enjoyment of sponsored neighborhood events like National Night Out, the everyday visual improvements of beautification projects or through staying informed about area development and other neighborhood matters, the WRVNA touches the lives of its residents daily.

The WRVNA offers tiered membership levels to all residents of White Rock Valley. While General membership is a basic membership, Premium and Platinum offer additional ways to help out with White Rock Valley. We thank you for your contribution!

You can read the WRVNA bylaws here.

A note before you begin the membership process:
You will be redirected to our PayPal checkout page. Depending on your settings you may or may not receive a payment confirmation email. If you would like to confirm that your payment was received – please email:

There are two ways to join:

1) Choose your membership level below and click the ‘Join Now’ button to pay securely online with any major credit card or with Paypal.

Add ENP For 2025 Only:
General Membership :
Premium Membership: General Membership + ENP Security :
Platinum Membership: General Membership + ENP Security :
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